





Fitness Pro  

Articles for fitness professionals, program leaders, personal trainers, and therapists.  Be inspired by your global peers with ideas to rejuvenate your programs, find time for yourself, reach new populations, and more!  Want to share your ideas?  Email info@aeawave.org for more information.

Don’t Stop Moving

By Susan Magestro

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Be an active participant in your own healing. There is ‘no one way’ for everyone to heal. It is up to each of us to listen closely to what is medically recommended, then walk the path best suited for our self. For me, I never stopped moving.


By Debbie Mayers

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Life sends signals to guide you.  You may initially feel uneasy, then begin to move forward, and finally become confident in various situations.  Explore areas you may experience leading aquatic fitness classes.

Aquatic Fitness – Exercise for All Ages

by Javier Bergas, BS

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Aquatic fitness is a versatile and beneficial physical activity for everyone, offering multiple health and well-being benefits at all stages of life. As professionals in this field, we must continually update our programs, study and understand the characteristics and needs of each population group, and communicate the unique benefits to various life stages.


By Einat Meiri Vatner, MA

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Enjoy the benefits of water exercise and a workout on land within a single training session.  Learn the benefits, recommendations, and reservations for a fusion format that blends land and water training.

Exercise - Adolescents and Depression

By Melissa Plumeau, BS

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Depressive disorders in the United States are on the rise, especially for adolescents. Capturing a sense of playfulness and combining it with carefully designed programs can help to reduce depressive symptoms in youth and promote better overall health, not just mentally, but physically.

Movement for Healing & Health

by Javier Bergas, BS

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Research shows that physical activity, such as running, swimming, bicycling, walking, weightlifting, dancing, can offer positive effects on mood, quality of life, and mental health.  Thanks to the inclusive and healing nature of movement in water, each of us has the potential to help our community.