






ATRI Certification Renewal Information


Certification Renewal

ATRI certification is valid for two years. To maintain your ATRI certification, you must obtain a minimum of 20 Continuing Education hours with two-year from the date of your examination or last renewal.

Click here for ATRI Certification Renewal Form


Effective January 2022-Save time & renew online.  Visit aeawave.org home page and review the ATRI Cert Renew video for more assistance.


Helpful information regarding your ATRIC renewal:

ATRI Certification is valid for 2 year.

Renew in your own account at the AEA/ATRI main website by logging in at www.aeawave.org.

You need to obtain a minimum of 20 ATRI CEUs/CECs (Continuing Education Units/Credits) to renew.

Track your CEUs/CECs online through your login at the AEA website.

There is a two-year renewal fee for the recertification period.

You can renew your certification as early as 90 days to your expiration and no later than 90 days following expiration without incurring additional late fees. 


IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you do not renew within one-year from the date of your expiration, you may need to re-take the exam and may do so at a reduced rate of $95.00.  Please email  info@aeawave.org with any questions about your renewal options or to retake the examination.