





Fitness Pro  

Articles for fitness professionals, program leaders, personal trainers, and therapists.  Be inspired by your global peers with ideas to rejuvenate your programs, find time for yourself, reach new populations, and more!  Want to share your ideas?  Email info@aeawave.org for more information.

Let’s Talk About Death with a Smile in Our Hearts

By Cristina (Tinoca) Senra, MS, and Renata Tarevnic, PhD

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A few years ago, we came across a book that surprised us with its title – Death is a Day Worth Living (Arantes).  Yet, it has helped us both professionally and personally.  Taking care of someone is the greatest victory in the face of illness and it's an excellent reason to search for a new look at life.

Aquatastically Adapted

by Ronda Brodsky MS

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The pool should be a safe environment for all to enjoy.  Make the effort to adapt swimming skills for those with special needs – I promise you will receive as great a reward as your students.