Information and ideas to expand your understanding and application of various health, wellness and fitness concepts. FITNESS PROS provides articles for instructors, program leaders and personal trainers that target for personal self-care, professional growth and programming ideas. BETTER HEALTH provides articles for aquatic enthusiasts, consumers and instructors with topics focusing on better health, wellness and more.
AEA Standards and Guidelines
The AEA Standards and Guidelines provide general recommendations for aquatic fitness professionals and aquatic centers or fitness facilities offering vertical aquatic fitness classes or programs. These guidelines may help to minimize risk of injury and provide optimal benefit and enjoyment of fitness activities conducted in the aquatic environment.
Useful Forms & Tools
This section provides you additional resources and tools provided by AEA. This area will include programming suggestions, scheduling notes, sample forms for waivers and physicians consent and much more.
This section provides great resources and FYI on Resources & Research to help you learn more about aquatic fitness and related areas of health and wellness.